sunnuntai 5. helmikuuta 2023

Red for every woman

'There is a Shade of Red for every woman'  - Audrey Hepburn
I made this Mixed Media/Art Journal page using my hand with acrylics painted red haired girl portrait (beneath), which I now digitally set on another background, made texture and the text with my photoshop tools. 
You see there different shades of red.
I'm linking the page on Erika's theme 'Seeing Red' at Art Journal Journey this month.
Thank you for visiting.

Original painting.
'Punaisen sävyjä on jokaiselle naiselle' - Audrey Hepburn
Mixed Media/Art Journal sivuni 'Punainen'-teemaan.
Käytin työssä käsin akryyleillä maalaamaani punatukkaisen tytön kuvaa (yllä) ja asemoin sen digitaalisesti uudelle taustalle, jonka teksturoin ja kirjoitin Audrey Hepburn'in mietelauseen fotoshopin työkaluin.  
Näet kuvan taustalla punaisen eri sävyjä.
Kiitos käynnistä. Hyvää uutta alkavaa viikkoa. 

7 kommenttia:

  1. I hadn't thought of red hair, and this lady looks beautiful in it. And your colorful textured background works great with that red hair. It has a lot of red in it also. Nice quote too. I'm not sure most reds look good on me as they make me look too pale, but a dark burgundy is a good color for me, so that quote is true. Thanks so much for linking up another page at AJJ. It is much appreciated. Have a wonderful start to the new week. hugs-Erika

  2. How pretty she looks with the red hair, fabulous idea with the different color play for the journal page. Great the quote!
    Beautiful week, hug Elke

  3. Wow-she's pretty. This is beautiful.

  4. Aivan ihana. Kaunis tuo piirros. Käy hyvin tuohon taustaan.

  5. What a beautiful painting. I am in awe of both your painting skills and your digital skills. These two worked so well together to create this genuine beauty. Thanks for sharing this with us at Art Journal Journey using Erika's theme.


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