keskiviikko 8. helmikuuta 2023

The ultimate cure

'Red is the ultimate cure for sadness.'   - Bill Blass
My  mixed media/Art journal page for the Erika's theme 'Seeing Red' at Art Journal Journey this month. I made the background and text with digital tools, and added some images and my hand with acrylics painted portrait 'Girl and Parrot'.   

Original painting

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'Punainen on viimeisin hoito surullisuuteen'  - Bill Blass
Tämän mixed media/Art journal-sivun tein teemaan 'Punainen'. Käytin työssä aiemmin akryyleillä maalaamaani 'Tyttö ja Papukaija'-maalausta. Lisäsin sen ja muita elementtejä digitaalisesti taustalle, jonka samoin kuin  tekstin tein digitekniikalla.
Kiitos käynnistä ja kommentista.

6 kommenttia:

  1. That quote is so true. How can anyone not smile when they see red. You've used this wonderful lady before, and she is certainly worth reusing. I like that you added the Valentine's heart as well as that colorful background. What a great page for Seeing Red at AJJ. Thank you again for joining us. Hope your week is going well. hugs-Erika

  2. Our kitchen is red-green. Maybe that´s why we are happy ;-) Nice lady and parrot.

  3. Your original painting is stunning. The colours you have got with mixing your paints for the skin tones are fantastic and I love how she has her hair in that cute Pixie Cut. Of course the added parrot and rose in red works so well too.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  4. A wonderful journal page with the great background, I love your style of art.
    Hug -Elke

  5. Oh she is sassy. I used to wear my hair like that. You nailed the layers and texture. She has that look of, "Go ahead say something." LOL I love her. So many favorites here and she is at the top of the list. FFO is up.


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