maanantai 6. maaliskuuta 2023

Two Worlds

 'I called the New World into existence,
to redress the balance of the Old.'  -George Canning

I'm linking my digital interpretation of hope to balance new and old in the World,
at the Valerie's theme 'Anything goes' at Art Journal Journey.
Thank you for visiting. Have a wonderful time ahead.
Digityöni on tulkintani George Canning' in mietelauseeseen:
'Kutsuin Uutta Maailmaa palauttamaan tasapaino Vanhan Maailman kanssa.'
Linkitän työni art journal-teemaan 'Kaikki käy'.
Hyvää alkanutta uutta viikkoa kaikille meille.

8 kommenttia:

  1. This is a wonderful composition, Sirkis, I often wonder what people from the past would think about the world today. Thanks for joining my challenge at AJJ, Valerie

  2. This is a great image. I like the contrast between the old world woman and the new world skyscrapers. It's interesting how much has changed since the days of this woman. I'm sure she wouldn't recognize it if she could come back. I hope you had a wonderful weekend, and thanks for sharing this with us for Valerie's challenge at AJJ. Happy new week too. hugs-Erika

  3. you have created a wonderful page.
    Happy week, hug Elke

  4. This is a beautiful page. I sometimes wish there was less of the new though! Thanks for sharing at AJJ and Valerie's theme, hugs, Chrisx

  5. This really speaks loudly. I have to agree with Chris, I really don't like this new world we have come to.

  6. What an absolutely stunning collage. You make digital art so very well. This is such8 a great contrast between the old and new worlds. This is ideal for Valerie's theme at Art Journal Journey. Thanks for sharing it.

  7. Upeeta 👍 tykkään tuosta läpinäkyvyydestä, sillä saa aikaan aina niin mahtavia juttuja 😊


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