torstai 1. kesäkuuta 2023

Number rules

'Number rules the universe'  - Pythagoras
Pythagoras was an Ancient Greek philosopher (c.570-c.495 BC), who said these
wise words. And they are ruling in our 'mobile' time still.
The design and layout of my art journal page were made with the digital technique. I used free web- and old MC-materials for layering, and finished the work with filtering and coloring, and typing the text.  
I'm linking the page on the Matilde's/Craftowanie theme 'All about Numbers' at
Thank you for visiting; and I'm wishing you a very best June ahead. 
'Numero hallitsee koko maailmaa'  - Pythagoras
Pythagoras oli Antiikin kreikkalainen filosofi (n.570-495 e. Kr.), joka lausui nämä viisaat sanat jo tuolloin, ja ne hallitsevat maailmaa edelleen tässä 'mobiili' ajassammekin.
Suunnittelun ja layoutin tein sivuuni digitekniikalla. Käytin ilmais- ja vanhoja MC-kuvia, ja viimeistelin työni filtteri- ja väritehosteilla sekä kirjoitin tekstin.
Hyvää - toivottavasti pian lämpenevää kesäkuuta kaikille.

9 kommenttia:

  1. good topic on the numbers and a wonderful journal page with such a beautiful background and lady!
    I also wish for a warmer June than before, hug Elke

  2. A most impressive first entry for AJJ this month, Sirkkis. Because I'm a mathematician, Pythagoras's words hold great meaning in my world. I love the circles of numbers as they enlarge. This is a true beauty which includes a fabulous background. Thanks for this incredible beauty you shared with us using Matilde's theme at Art Journal Journey.

  3. Oh my, what a fabulous page! The background has brilliant depth. Thanks so much for joining us for the start of Matilde's AJJ theme, hugs, Chrisx

  4. She is a sophisticated lady and she looks almost like a spy. She has that number code running through her head. It’s a gorgeous page Sirkkis. Thank you for joining us for Matilda’s challenge. And happy June to you. I’m visiting Iceland right now and I am enjoying the Scandinavian feel. Hugs Erika

    1. Thank you ladies for the comments.
      My main idea is that phones still work with numbers even though the web has taken place over the world.

  5. It's so amazing! I love the way you put the numbers here. It looks great!

  6. Ooooh, this is so beautiful! I love the background, the way you used numbers, and the sentiment. It's absolutely fabulous!! Thanks, Sharon


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