keskiviikko 16. elokuuta 2023

From Finland to Estonia

From Helsinki to Tallinn by a cruise ship
Estonia is a country, which is located on the opposite southern side of The Gulf of Finland. We Finns make yearly over 1,5 million over night trips, and about million day cruises to Estonia. There are several boat companies and time possibilities from which we can chose. This means that it makes the port traffic one of busiest in the world. We Finns and the Estonians have a good relationship, even our rare languages belong to the same language family.
Tallinn is the capital city, and there in the old town are a lot of interesting things to see. Beauty saloons, spas and spa hotels in Tallinn are popular, because they are good and the price level adequate, as well as eating in restaurants. I'm having my lunch there in a picture above. 
So I'm linking this art journal page at Chris's theme 'Where in the World?' at Art Journal Journey this month.
Thank you for your interest and stopping by.
'Suomesta Viroon ja Helsingistä Tallinnaan'
Yllä olevin kuvin ja tekstein kerron meidän suomalaisten Viron matkailusta. Onhan sen määrä maailman laajuisestikin huomattavan suuri - ja toivottavasti nousee koronan jälkeen entiselle tasolle. Linkitän työn teemaan, jossa kysytään "Missä  maailmassa?"
En ala toistamaan meille yllä olevaa tekstiä, koska me kyllä tunnemme maan, kaupungin ja aiheen.
Kiva, jos poikkesit, ja hyvää viikonjatkoa kaikille tänne kurkanneille💙

7 kommenttia:

  1. An interesting post Sirkkis. I love your page with its beautiful photos.

  2. Lovely travel mosaic. Happy Thursday


  3. peggy says enjoy!!

  4. This is a real beauty and I learned so much from the information you shared with us. I had NO idea about the boat trips between Finland and Estonia and knew nothing about Estonia at all. Thanks for not just sharing these amazing photos of Tallinn, but also sharing information about the town. Thanks also for sharing this wonderful journal entry using Chris's theme at Art Journal Journey.

  5. How exciting to be able to go for a day trip to Tallinn. I love how you recorded your trip and it's great for my theme at AJJ,. Thanks so much for sharing, hugs, Chrisx


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