lauantai 16. syyskuuta 2023

A book reading Cat

SHHH.... I'm reading

For the Elle's theme 'Books, Cats, Tea' at Art Journal Journey. This cat likes to sip also wine 🍷
I don't know what kind of book he is reading, but suppose it is some classic one, maybe Shakespeare's 😉 drawing conclusion from the handsome interior of the room.
I built digitally my art journal collage layout with old MC-, and freebie materials.
Thank you for visiting.
'Kirjaa lukeva kissa'
Digikollaasin tein teemaan 'Kissat, kirjat, tee.' Tämä kissa siemailee mielellään myös viiniä🍷
En tiedä minkä tyyppistä kirjaa kissa lukee, mutta oletan, että jotain klassista, kenties Shakespearea  😉 päätellen komeasta huoneen sisustuksesta.
Rakentelin layoutin vanhoista MC- ja freebie-kuvista.
Kiva, kun poikkesit blogissa.

11 kommenttia:

  1. Shakespearea ilman muuta ja väliin aina viininauskis. Havannalaissikarikin on jo valmiina ja kohta sikarin tuoksu tyttää tuon ihanan huoneen. Taitaa tämä kissa osata tunnelmoida todellakin.

  2. That kitty must take his reading very seriously to give us intruders that look. What a fun piece. I'm also glad he likes wine and tea. Thanks for sharing this with us at AJJ Sirkkis. IAnd it works for Elle's challenge too. Hope your weekend is going well. hugs-Erika

  3. Kaunis ja tyylikäs työ 👍😊 kissa on ihan sennäköknen että juuri Shakespearea lukee niinkuin Enkuli kommentoi 😁

  4. I am thrilled with this presentation of the topic!
    Hug Elke

  5. I am on holiday at the moment but loved seeing this fabulous page, hugs Chrisx

  6. Hi Sirkkis, I love your page today, what a great composition. My favourite kind of room, a cosy library, with tea and cats. Your reading cat looks aristocratic sitting there with his book and drinks. Thanks for joining me for the Books, Cats & Tea September theme at Art Journal Journey this month. Happy Journalling! Elle xx

  7. This is fabulous. I love how you used the different elements in your layout and the colours are just perfect. I can imagine this as part of a series of pictures of cats doing things like this and set in a Victorian type era. They would make a lovely set for someone to display on their walls.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  8. Oi, miten ihana. Taisin tulla ilmeestään päätellen hiukan häiritsemään lukutuokiota.

  9. What an absolutely amazing entry, Sirkkis. I love the old room, the beautiful door, the awesome table on which the wine and tea are held, and of course, the cat reading the book. This is an amazing entry and is perfect for Elle's theme at AJJ. Thank you for sharing it with us.


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