keskiviikko 4. lokakuuta 2023

Gears are turning 24/7

For the Neet's theme 'In Gears' at Art Journal Journey this month.
My second Steampunk-style journal page. I digitally combined the page with freebies and old Itkupilli-images, and made some effects, shadows and wrote the Vic Mensa's quote.
Thank you for looking 🚜
'Vaihteet on käynnissä 24/7.'
Tässä toinen Höyryajan tyyliin digitekniikalla tekemäni art journal-sivu.
Tein sen freebie- ja vanhoilla Itkupillin kuvilla sekä tein tehosteita, varjoja ja kirjoitin Vic Mensan mietelauseen.
Kiitos käynnistäsi 🚜

8 kommenttia:

  1. This is absolutely fabulous Sirkkis. I love how you added the gears are turning 24/7. The raven is cool, as is the little dog. I bet that little dog is waiting to go for a spin once he gets his driving machine in motion. I hope your week is going well. hugs-Erika

  2. Onpa hieno kokonaisuus! Art journalointia olen itsekin harkinnut viime aikoina.

    1. Kiitos Tanja ❤️ Rohkeasti mukaan journaloimaan 👍

  3. A fabulous way to interpret the theme at AJJ Sirkkis. I love the page and the quote is superb. You have certainly captured the theme with this page.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  4. Love the composition of this page Sirkkis and the quote. Elle xx.

  5. What a great way to interpret the theme. I love everything about this, including the quote. I especially love what appears to be a tiled floor. The gears are perfect and even the car wheels remind me of gears. Thanks for this amazing entry for Neet's theme at AJJ.

  6. What a brilliant page. Lots of gears working here for Neet's AJJ theme! Hugs, Chrisx


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