tiistai 28. tammikuuta 2025

The Owl's night/Pöllön yö

"When the owl sings, the night is silent." - Charles de Leusse
My digitally created interpretation for the theme 'Oh, what a night' at 
Try it on Tuesday this fort night, and
the theme 'Dost' at Art Journal Journey this month.
The design, layering and effects were made in my photoshop program with the image material from my archive.
Thank you for visiting 💚
"Kun pöllö laulaa, yö on hiljaa" - Charles de Leusse
Digitaalisesti fotosopissa tekemäni art journal-työ teemoihin 'Oi, mikä yö' ja 'Täplät, pisteet'. Kuvamateriaalin valitsin arkistostani.
Kiitos vierailustasi 💚

18 kommenttia:

  1. *wow* I am so impressed again by this imaginative journal page!
    The colors are also so mystical with the woman and the forest with the young in the nest.
    have a happy day, hugs Elke

    1. I'm glad you like my page Elke, I appreciate 💗
      By the way the girl is half a 🦌 she has horns😊
      Have a great day my friend 😘

  2. Nuo pöllönpojat ovat suloisia kuten isokin pöllö.
    Pöllö on aina ollut voimaeläimeni. Se lensi työmatkallani autoni tuulilasin ohi, Jouduin jarruttamaan kovasti ja niin en ajanut hirvikolaria.

    1. Siis se on suojeluslintusi ‐ siis vastaa enkeliä 😊🦉👼

  3. A fantastic magical page, I would like to watch the owls having a party. Thank you so much for joining our theme over at Try it on Tuesdays.

  4. This is such a cool piece. You had me with the owl. It makes not only a great night piece for TIOT (thank you for joining) but also a cool page for Mia's Dots challenge. Thank you for joining that challenge also. I've got a little bit of fresh snow to go clean up this morning, but not much. hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika for your comment 😃
      Here it is raining for several days 🌧 no snow 😒

  5. Such regal colours make for a strong picture Sirkkis. This is so beautiful and I just adore the owl.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  6. Ohhhh I love this so much. Very nice indeed.

  7. Absolutely stunning art page! LOVE the colours, and that Owl... perfect for out theme! Thanks for joining us at Try it on Tuesday! ((HUGS)) Helen DT

  8. Ihanasti on jälleen kaikkea tässä taideteoksessa ja tuo loiste wau👍 näyttää tutulta tuo kuu, minulla on juuri tuo leimasin 😊

    1. Kuun olen muunnellut muistaakseni Itkupillin kuvasta 🌝
      Kiitos kommentista 🏜😘

  9. Another fascinating page Sirkkis! I love stare from the owl! Thanks for joining us again at TIOT, hugs, Chrisx


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