I made this digital art journal page taking some parts of images from my earlier made postcard, which you see beneath. Then I added some kitchen related images from my files, made them the background and some digital painting in my photoshop program, and finished the page typing the Sandra Lee's text.
Postcards made early by me:
I'm linking the AJ page at the Erika's 'Home'- theme at Art Journal Journey Challenge this month.
Thank you for looking 😍
" Ruoanlaitto alkaa keittiössä lasten kanssa leivonnasta." - Sandra Lee
Tämän art journal digityön koostin käyttäen osia aiemmin tekemistäni kahdesta postikortista. Fotosopissani tein taustan ja vähän digitaalista maalausta sekä lisäsin muita keittiöön sopivia kuvia arkistostani. Viimeistelin työni y.o. tekstillä.
Linkitys 'Koti'-teemaan.
Kiva, kun poikkesit 😍
The kitchen scene is so sweet, it reminds me of when my children were little. I loved baking and cooking with them. Wonderful for the journal page on Erika's theme!
VastaaPoistaHappy day , hugs Elke
I have only a boy, and I remember how at his 4-5 yers we baked together ☺️in the kitche, which is the "heart" of the home , I think 🥰
PoistaThank you Elke for the comment, and have a great day 💓💐