maanantai 30. lokakuuta 2023

So it goes

'So it Goes!
My grunge digital collage page for the art journal challenge theme 'In Gear' chosen by Neet for Art Journal Journey this month.
In my opinion a journal page is a page, which tells the meaning of it visually and with a couple of words, so I don't explain my page more.
Thank you for looking; have a nice week ahead.
'Niin se menee!'
Tämän digikollaasin tein art journal teemaan 'Ratas'.
  Käsitykseni mukaan art journal-sivun kuvituksen ja siinä olevan muutaman sanan tulee kertoa katsojalle sen sisällön. Siispä en selittele työtäni enempää.
Mukavaa viikkoa ja kiva, kun poikkesit.

4 kommenttia:

  1. What a cool couple and a cool motorbike too. I like that look rather than all the black and scary look you sometimes see. This is another super page for Neet's challenge. Thank you for linking up Sirkkis. I hope your new week goes well as does the end of October. hugs-Erika

  2. I love the steampunk look of your art in this post and the preceding ones!

  3. There are certainly lots of gears in your digital layout Sirkkis, and the lovely young couple are wearing the right gear for a ride on the bike that is behind them. It looks a mean machine and I hope it does not get up to too fast a speed or she is likely to lose her hat.
    Fabulous background and beautiful images. Thank you for all the lovely pages you have shaed for my theme at AJJ this month.
    Hugs, Neet xx


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