sunnuntai 3. joulukuuta 2023


My interpretation for the Wendy K's theme 'Above us only Sky'  at Art Journal Journey Challenge this month.
I created this digital page, which is based on 'Imagine' the idealistic song by John Lennon 1971. It remained his last song before his death; he was murdered in 1980. 
The song is said to be his best piece. You can listen to the You Tube video and read all the words.

Thank you for visiting, and happy December every one 💜
'Taivas'-teemaan tein art journal sivuni digitekniikalla ja se perustuu John Lennonin tekemään kappaleeseen 'Kuvittele'.  Sen sanotaan olevan Lennonin paras kappale. Se jäi hänen viimeisekseen; hänet murhattiin 1980.  Somenkielisen tekstin 'Uneksi' on tehnyt Juice Leskinen Eija Ahvon pyynnöstä. Muitakin käännöksiä on olemassa. Ohessa musiikkivideo, jossa ovat myös kaikki sanat
Kiitos käynnistäsi  ja hyvä joulukuun jatkoa 💜

5 kommenttia:

  1. This is such a fantastic song, and I love how you thought of it for a page Sirkkis. What a fantastic page. I hope it was a nice weekend, and thank you for joining Wendy's challenge. hugs-Erika

  2. How clever to use John Lennon's Imagine as the inspiration for Wendy's theme it too is an inspiring song, one I will always remember. Your clouds really do look heavenly.
    Hugs Tracey xx

  3. A fantastic page, a great idea, love it. Thank you so much for joining us on Art Journal Journey for my theme.

  4. What a fabulous page - and what a clever idea! Thanks for sharing at AJJ, hugs, Chrisx

  5. This is an amazing page. Perfect for this time in our world. Have a nice day.


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