keskiviikko 27. joulukuuta 2023


"Who could ever imagine, I met a star.
Looking on a billion shining stars, You are the brightest among them all."
- by Princess Joy 
I created this digital art journal page for the Wendy's theme 'Sky' at Art Journal Journey  this month. Sirius is the brightest star in the night sky (Wikipedia). I typed the Princess Joy's poem on the background and made the star effects.
Thank you for visiting.
Sirius on kirkkain tähti yötaivaalla (Wikipedia).
"Kuka voi milloinkaan kuvitella, että minä kohtaisin tähden. 
Katsellessani biljoonia loistavia tähtiä sinä olet kaikkien joukosta kirkkain."
Kirjoitin Princess Joy:n runon taustalle ja lisäsin tähtitehosteet.
Kiitos käynnistäsi.

10 kommenttia:

  1. This page is really magical. That lady is so strong. And she looks like she could flick her finger and make something happen. Thanks for joining Wendy's challenge and sharing this with us at AJJ. I hope you had a wonderful holiday and are ready for 2024. hugs-Erika

    1. Thank you Erika 🌟💖 She is Goddess Diana aka Artemis in the Roman mythology. They are goddesses of hunting among other things.

  2. Another fabulous page, with such a striking image. Thank you for linking to my theme on AJJ Have a wonderful 2024. Hugs Wendy.

    1. Thank you for the inspiring theme Wendy. Happy 2024💖

  3. This takes my breath away. Simply stunning. Have a lovely day today.

  4. Todella kaunis ja mystinen työ 👍😊

    1. Kiitos Silkku, kun aina jaksat kannustaa minua 🤗😍

  5. Thank you for sharing this beautiful page with us Sirrkis, I love the lady - she is so very beautiful and looks magnificent with the stag.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  6. I didn't know that star was the brightest. Have a wonderful New Year!


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