perjantai 29. joulukuuta 2023

On New Year's Eve/Uusi Vuosi

On New Year's Eve the whole world celebrates the fact that a date changes.

Let us celebrate the date on which we change the world. 

My digital art journal creation for the Nicole's Friday Face Off at DV Artist blog.
I'm linking the page also at Wendy's 'Sky' theme at Art Journal Journey this month.
Here's to new beginnings. Happy New Year 2024🎊


Uuden Vuoden Aattona koko maailma juhlii tosiasiaa, että vuosi vaihtuu.

Juhlikaamme sitä, että maailma muuttuu.

 On uuisi alku. Hyvää Uutta Vuotta 2024 🎊

10 kommenttia:

  1. That is so beautiful! And such a profound quotation.

  2. ...wonderful words, Happy New Year!

  3. Oh this quote is amazing. And so it your piece. I love that beautiful sky and sleeping face. Happy 2024 to you Sirkkis. I hope your new year is filled with many lovely things. hugs-Erika

  4. OMGosh this is so beautiful. I would expect nothing less of you for the upcoming year. Thank you for joining FFO and have a lovely day.

  5. Wonderful journal page !
    Happy New Year, hug Elke

  6. Magnificent creation and beautiful message.
    I wish you a Happy New Year 🎉 full of joy, health, peace and love.

  7. Love your piece and sentiment, Sirkkis! I know that "sirkkis" means "circus," and that surely isn't your name, but I like to connect with a greeting. May we change the world for better in 2024, even if just in small ways. Happy new year!

  8. I thank you dear friends for your kindness and support for all over this year.
    And I wish everyone a happy and healthy new year 2024 xx


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