torstai 1. elokuuta 2024

Wonderfully Wild but.../Villejä, mutta...


 'Wonderfully wild, but not free.' 

"If they breath they live, it they live they feel, if they feel they love, if they love they are aware, if they aware they have a soul." 
- Anthony Douglas Williams

I'm saying with this creation that the freedom should be the right also of the wild animals.
I created my digital art journal page for the Jo's theme 'Wonderfully Wild' at 
I designed and composed my work with digital layer mask technics in my photoshop program. The background was made with different overlays. A part of the images are saved from Web, a part are old MC images, both from my files. 
I'm linking this art work also at Nicole's DV Artist Friday Face Off.
Thank you for visiting and have a wonderful August ahead 😃
"Jos ne hengittävät, ne elävät, jos ne elävät ne tuntevat, jo ne tuntevat ne rakastavat, jos ne rakastavat ne ovat tietoisia, jos ne ovat tietoisia niillä on sielu."  - Anthony Douglas Williams

 Villejä mutta eivät vapaita 

Olen sanomassa tällä työllä, että vapaus on oikeus kaikille - siis myös villieläimille. Mutta kuitenkaan näin ei ole.
Suunnittelin ja toteutin art journal-digikollaasini fotosopissa kerrosmaski-tekniikalla. Taustan tein erilaisilla digitalisilla kerrostumilla, osa kuvista on netistä tallennettuja, osa vanhoja MC-kuvia, kaikki arkistostani.
Linkitys teemoihin: 'Ihmeellisesti villejä' ja 'Kasvot'.
Upeaa, vapaata elokuuta toivotan meille kaikille 😃

20 kommenttia:

  1. That's so true and what a fabulous page! So clever how you put the images together 😊. Thanks so much for joining us at Art Journal Journey! Hugs, Jo x

  2. A fabulous digital page, and very thought provoking. Great page for the new theme on AJJ. Wendy K

  3. I don't like to see animals caged but if it means they are safe then so be it.
    I love your page and the animals look perfectly happy so that is what counts. Such a wonderful quote accompanied what you have.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  4. I agree. You made a big point with this page, and a good point too. Those bars, wow, they really bring it home. Thanks for joining Jo's challenge, and happy August. I hope you have a super start to the month and the weekend ahead too. hugs-Erika

    1. Thank you my friend 😃 Happy August to you, too 😘

  5. ...I'm not a fan of zoos! Have an Awesome August.

  6. I agree that animals should NOT be caged. Those that belong in the wild, should be free to roam in the wild. You have a lovely digital entry and a thought provoking sentiment. Thanks for this great first entry using Jo's theme at Art Journal Journey.

    It seems "failed to publish" is back.

    1. Thanks, Elizabeth for the comment. Have a happy month ahead 😘

  7. Vastaukset
    1. I'm pleased it impressed you. Happy weekend 🤩

  8. Yes, such a beautiful post and great art piece! All animals have souls and should be free! Thanks for sharing those meaningful words!

  9. A beautiful page and message Sirkkis!

  10. Very nicely done. When I was a kid we would go to the zoo and I loved seeing the animals. As I got older I would go to the zoo and look at it with different eyes. This is a great piece and thank you for sharing with FFO.

    1. Thank you Nicole, thank you for the challenge😘


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