lauantai 3. elokuuta 2024

Guardian Angels/Suojelusenkelit

My hybrid page for the Jo's theme 'Wonderfully Wild' at Art Journal Journey. I think that the word 'wild' match the angels, because they are not scaring anything, but go to save us also in very dangerous places. 
The hand made parts are the both faces; one my watercolor portrait, other my colored pencil drawing. The layout is digitally designed and made with digital overlays, filters and images from my files.

I'm linking the post also at Nicole's DV Artist Friday Face off this week.
Thank you for stopping by. Enjoy a weekend 💗
Tämän hybridi-työn tein käyttäen siinä kahta aiemmin maalaamaani kasvokuvaa: värikynä, ja vesivärityöt.
Tausta ja asemointi on digitekniikalla tehty. Lisäsin taustalle runsaasti kerrostumia ja muutamia digifilttereitä ja kuvia arkistostani. Viimeistelin tekstillä:
'Älä unohda suojelusenkeliä, joka aina on kanssasi.'
Tein art journal sivuni teemaan 'Ihmeellisesti villi', ja perustelen enkeliä tässä sillä, että he ovat villin rohkeita, koska tulevat pelastamaan meitä todella vaikeissa paikoissa.
Turvallista, hyvää viikonloppua kaikille 💗
Linkitän tämänkin 'Kesäfiilis'-teemamaan.

12 kommenttia:

  1. Such a beautiful page! Your faces are amazing and I love how you used them to create the angels as part of your fabulous design 😊. Thanks so much for joining us at Art Journal Journey and happy weekend! Hugs, Jo x

    1. Thank you Jo and have a wonderful weekend 💗🧛

  2. What beautiful angels. I love how you tied them to Jo's theme at Art Journal Journey. They are certainly soft and sweet. Thanks for this inspiring entry.

    Another "failed to publish." Not sure when blogger will let me publish.

  3. You make the best faces Sirkkis. And it's so clever how you combine them. That sleeping woman looks like she is having a wonderful dream, and I hope she is. Thanks for linking up to AJJ and have a great weekend. We have rain here right now- but we need it!. hugs-Erika

    1. Thank you Erika 😊
      It's rainy here as well; I have noticed earlier we are living on the same latitudes 🌍

  4. Everyone needs a guardian angel and this is just gorgeous. Thank you for joining FFO.

    1. Thank you dear Nicole; I so hope she visits your family 😇

  5. Kaunista.
    Suojelusenkeli on aina siinä ihan vieressä.
    Ihanaa viikonloppua sinulle.

  6. Beautiful job! Your hand drawn images are fantastic! Lovely work!


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