sunnuntai 23. helmikuuta 2025

Dance with me/Tanssi kanssani

"Dance with me"
For the Vicki's theme 'Music' at Art Journal Journey.
I composed this romantic digital page with the image material that I chose from my files, and designed and layered it in my photoshop program. I made all effects and typed the text there, too. The words are from the song album 'Orleans 1973'.
Thank you for visiting 💜
Romanttinen digityöni teemaan 'Musiikki', jonka koostin arkistoimistani kuvista ja tein taustan efekteineen ja teksteineen fotosopissani. Laulu on 'Orleans 1973'-albumista ja siitä suomentamani sanat: "Tanssi kanssani, haluan olla parisi. Etkö näe, että yö kutsuu ja olen vaipumassa... tanssi kanssani...
Kiitos käynnistäsi 💜

3 kommenttia:

  1. A great piece of music Dance with me, so romantic the couple from the old days! . The layout is beautiful.
    I wish you a beautiful Sunday, hugs Elke

  2. Oh what a lovely page Sirkkis. It is very romantic. And now that I read the quote that song is in my head. It's a great old song and I haven't heard it for a long time. Funny how songs come back to you like that, words, tune and all. I hope you're having a wonderful weekend, and thanks for joining Vicki's challenge. hugs-Erika


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