lauantai 22. helmikuuta 2025

Kissed by a Frog/Sammakon suutelema

For the theme 'Kissed by a Frog' at Digital Whisper.
I created this digital work with image material chosen from my archive. The design, layout and effects were made in my photoshop program. 
I hope you know the fable about the princess kissed by a frog.
Thank you for looking.
Digitaalisesti tekemäni tulkinta satuun, jossa sammakko suutelee prinsessaa ja mitä sitten tapahtuu... 
Muodonmuutoksen suunnittelin ja toteutin arkistokuvistani fotosopissani.
Kiva, kun poikkesit blogissa.

2 kommenttia:

  1. Great creation!
    I really like the theme too,
    I think you've nailed it!!
    In general,
    I really like that it has to do with fairy tales!!

  2. Oh yes, I know the story and you have implemented it brilliantly on your page. I love your art!
    Hugs Elke


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