This week's theme at The Three Muses Challenge
Woman image with bull is from an advertisement published in Woman's Day magazine April 1962. Ad text is also from it.
I changed the original background to this which I googled, added lace and typed text onto it. Some effects are added in PSE.
Quite a daring text at that age, isn't it ;)
Woman/bull image from Creative Commons, lace from Skrapbooksgrafics.
Naisen/härän kuva on mainoksesta, joka on julkaistu Woman's Day aikakauslehdessä huhtikuussa 1962. Mainosteksti "Uneksin, että otin härkää sarvista Maidenform rintaliiveissäni", on ko. mainoksesta.
Vaihdoin alkuperäisen taustan tähän, jonka googlasin ja lisäsin pitsin sekä kirjoitin tekstin siihen. Tehosteet lisäsin PSE:ssä.
Aika rohkea teksti noihin aikoihin, vai mitä ;)
Great idea, this gave me a big smile! I think I need one of those bras today....Have a nice day, hugs, Valerie
VastaaPoistaTodella upea taideteos.
VastaaPoistaI need to take the bull by the horns too....smiling.....
Hahaha! Hilarious! Indeed!! :D
VastaaPoistaBravo Sirkkis!
Hahaa this is fabulous and captures that Maidenform ad campaign perfectly!
VastaaPoistaI can hear yodeling off in the distance :-)
Also I have to say how much I admire that you blog in two languages.
I appreciate the time and effort you put in that as I know how much time it takes to do blog posts in just one language. Your English is brilliant too!
Oh it is a fab I love it .
VastaaPoistaThank you dear ladies, I'm glad that you like my creation.
VastaaPoistaTo Patty: I do started my ad carrier one year before this ad was published. So my love retro is still alive. Thank you and hugs :)
I remember all those Maidenform bra advertisements SO well! Thanks for the trip down memory lane!!
VastaaPoistaGreat image. It's clear that wearing a maidenform bra made a woman feel brave as well as attractive. I remember the pointy bras of those days!
VastaaPoistaThis gave me a good smile, which I need at the moment, so thank you Sirkkis.
Bravo, super idea!!!!!
VastaaPoistaThis put a big smile on my face! Wonderful idea!
VastaaPoistaGosh, Sirrkis, this is certainly something different! Very amusing and straight to the theme.
VastaaPoistaThis is magical Sirkkis!