maanantai 26. tammikuuta 2015

TAW - Woman/Nainen

Woman is the word  this week 
Quote Groucho Marx:
'Anyone who says he can see through WOMEN 
is missing a lot.'

The woman image: Holliewood Studios.
The background was made with different layers by me.
Thanks for looking.
Groucho Marx:
Jokainen mies, joka sanoo voivansa nähdä
NAISIEN lävitse, menettää paljon.

Naisen kuva Holliewood Studion. Taustan tein monella
eri kuvakerrostumalla.
Kiva, kun poikkesit katsomassa!

20 kommenttia:

  1. there's your piece for this week! I love Grouch and his humor..."I could dance with you until the cows come home!...on second thought, I'll dance with the cows until you come home!" is one of my favorites:) The quote you chose is so true and "missing a lot" in more ways than one! That background is pretty cool, it almost looks like you were swirling around paints but i see you said you did it with layers...beautifully done and with great colors! :)

  2. So beautiful and the different colored layers are so well made, fantastic digi collage.

  3. Fantastic piece . Your background is very expressive.

  4. Soul Sister, love the quote:it's so true!And your colorful piece rocks!It's amazing!

  5. Beautiful palette of pinks and yellows and I just love the paisley hair! hugs :)

  6. You always find the most interesting and beautiful elements for your collage this is gorgeous.

  7. Total fu great crazy color, fab words!
    You got it all!!

  8. Love the amazing layers and colours. The lady image is perfect and the quote is great. Fantastic!
    Hugs, Mar

  9. Amazing quote and beautiful piece, Miss Sirkkis.

  10. Fabulously made background with these great colours, a perfect foil for the woman image.

  11. A great quote to go with this fabulous collage.
    Yvonne xx

  12. Beautiful creative work and quote is awesome!

  13. Beautiful, Sirkkis, love the quote it matches your piece perfectly!

  14. Stunning artwork and a great quote.

    Love Chrissie

  15. Kaunista ,ihanat kuviot ja värit.Naisen ilmekkin niin paljon puhuva. Kiitos kommentistasi.Mukavaa viikkoa.

  16. Upeita taideteoksia , todellakin !!!

  17. This is so pretty! And what a great quote!


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