tiistai 2. tammikuuta 2018

Word for 2018

"Share your smile with the world. It's a symbol of 
friendship and peace." 
- Christie Brinkley
I made my digital painting with digital brushes. Layout, effects and text editing were made in PSE, too. Image credits to Itkupilli Imagenarium.
I'm linking it in the Three Muses Challenge theme 'Word for 2018'.
Thank you for looking, 
wishing you the peaceful Year 2018.
"Jaa hymysi maailman kanssa. Se on ystävyyden ja rauhan symboli."  -Christie Brinkley
'Sana vuodelle 2018' -teemaan tein digitaalisesti maalauksen, johon käytin Itkupillin kuvamateriaalia. Layout, maalaus, tehosteet ja tekstieditointi syntyivät myös Photoshop Elementissä.

12 kommenttia:

  1. Very sweet! Sharing always makes things better.

  2. A lovely page, and it's a wonderful quote.
    Happy New Year to you and your Family,
    Avril xx

  3. A beautiful page and a lovely quote, we should all share a smile of friendship.
    Happy new Year.
    Yvonne xx

  4. Happy 2018

    A wonderful thought to start the year

    Love Chrissie xx

  5. A beautiful page, Sirkkis, and a wonderful quote. Bravo.

  6. Your image and word made me smile:) Happy 2018!

  7. Wonderful words so many of us forget to do that where ever we go...beautiful work.

  8. Wonderful words with an elegant collage-beautiful art Sirkkis!


  9. Beautifully done, Sirkkis. Funny, isn't it, how a smile from someone in passing leaves us with good feelings.

  10. Perfectly beautiful message and art!

    Peace Giggles


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