sunnuntai 8. heinäkuuta 2018

Childhood Days Challenge

'Waiting for guests'
I hope that for every child at least one children party has been arranged. Children get enthusiastic about them and enjoy a lot to host or be a guest in parties.
I'm linking my party piece at the Take a Word Challenge theme 'Childhood days'.
Image credits: HiddenVintage Studios, TFS, DKerkhof, Holliewood Studios and Photoshopelements. 
The layout and text editing made by PSE.
Thank you for the blog visit and the comment you leave.
Toivon, että jokainen lapsi saisi osakseen ainakin yhdet lastenkutsut. Lapset innostuvat niistä kovasti ja nauttivat järjestämisestä tai vieraana olemisesta.
'Vieraiden odotusta'-digityön tein haasteteemaan 'Lapsuuspäivät'.
Kuvamateriaali kuten yllä.
Kiitos blogivierailusta ja kommentista.

10 kommenttia:

  1. A fabulous piece, love the images you used.
    Avril xx

  2. Lasten kutsut on ihania! Kaunis toive, toivotaan että se toteutuu❤ Kaunista kesäpäivää❤

  3. Another delightful piece, I looked at all the details, nicely done!!

  4. A fabulous page and I hope they have a lovley party to remember.
    Yvonne xx

  5. Oh, I do want to go to this promising party Sirkkis!
    A wonder!

  6. A really wonderful collage Sirkkis beautiful work, I love your collages.

  7. This is beautiful, Sirkkis. Birthday celebrations today are festive occasions that call for a theme, matching paper plates and cups, an elaborately decorated cake, and take-home goodies for all children attending. It seems to have gotten a bit out of hand, in which parents seem to be engaging in one-upman's-ship.

  8. this is definitely a fantastic party! yes, i share your hope for every child to have a special party or two. and i hope it is as fancy as the one you've arranged here! xo

  9. A simply wonderful illustration of childhood days, Sirkkis. And so much to look at too.


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