tiistai 7. elokuuta 2018

Magical Party

'Magical party in the sky'
I cropped out the girls from an old painting. The other images are from Itkupilli Imagenarium and freebies. The background was made with several pieces of images and effects. Layout and lighting effects I made by Photoshop Elements.
I'm linking the work at the Three Muses Challenge theme 'Celestial'.
Thank you for visiting and the comment you kindly leave.
'Taikajuhlat taivaalla' -digeilyni tein teemaan 'Taivaallista'. 
Irrotin tytöt vanhasta maalauksesta, muut kuvat ovat Itupillin ja ilmaiskuvia arkistostani. Taustan koostin useista eri kuvista ja asettelun ja tehosteet tein Photoshopin työkaluilla.
Kiitos käynnistä ja hyvää jatkoa viikkoosi.

7 kommenttia:

  1. A magical page and wonderful lighting effects. It is a fantastic scene.
    Yvonne xx

  2. This is wonderful I love it, so creative and just magical...bravo


  3. This was a wonderful trip to fantasyland. Beautiful work!

  4. this is a perfect magical party, such beautiful colors. gorgeous composition. xo

  5. You always create such beautiful magic!

  6. Fantastic magical celestial, luv it!!!

    much love...


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