perjantai 10. elokuuta 2018

Summertime feelings

'A light wind swept over the corn, and all nature laughed in the sunshine.'
I  altered an old painting by photoshop tools.
Image credits to Cryztal Rain.
I'm linking the digital piece at Moo Mania 'Summertime'-theme and
Pain Party Friday Week 23, Year 8.
Have a great summertime and happy PPF!
🌸 Thank you for stopping by and the kind comment 🌸
'Kevyt tuuli pyyhkäisi yli viljan, ja luonto hymyili auringonpaisteessa.'
Muunsin vanhan maalauksen teemaan 'Kesäaika' käyttäen kuvankäsittelyn keinoja.
Kesä näyttää jatkuvan kuumana edelleen.
🌸  Hyvää viikonloppua kaikille 🌸

16 kommenttia:

  1. This really is such a relaxing piece, I am always in awe of the cleverness of photoshop and how pictures can be transformed digitally. The wording fits like a dream, what a beautiful entry.
    Thank you for sharing & Happy PPF Tracey.

  2. Sinä se jaksat taiteilla :) Herkkää ja kaunista! Hyvää viikonloppua myös sinulle <3

  3. Your altered painting looks so magical.
    Happy PPF
    Vicki-Ann :)

  4. So beautiful and so magical!!!

    Happy PPF 🎨

  5. An enchanting piece ! So beautiful ! I am very happy to see it linked to Moo Mania & More ! Thank you very much!
    Have a happy summer my friend!
    Hugs, Susi

  6. Luv this relaxing mood. Happy PPF


  7. It's really beautiful. I wish I was lounging in the shade, surrounded by wildflowers right now! Happy PPF!

  8. This would be a great postcard... wish you were here! :)
    Happy PPF!

  9. Absolutely beautiful. It looks so peaceful, a perfect day to be remembered for a very long time .
    Yvonne xx

  10. This is just a stellar piece of digi art. I love the saying too. Have a very nice weekend.

  11. This is lovely! I am curious if this was one of your paintings? Happy PPF

  12. Beautiful artwork

    Thank you for joining us at MOO MANIA & MORE

  13. Jede Bildkomposition für sich inspiriert! Sehr schöne Umsetzungen zum Thema Sommerzeit, die die Teilnehmer umgesetzt haben.

    Ein tolles Bild!

    Ich bin selbst wieder gerne dabei - es macht mir Spaß.

    Ein herzlicher Sonnengruß... von Heidrun


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