sunnuntai 8. joulukuuta 2019


'Morning scenery 2'
I made an alteration on my earlier with the same material made window scenery work (below).
'Morning scenery'
Scenery was altered already on the previous version 'Morning scenery'. Now I enlarged the wall of the window set a new woman image and made butterflies with a photo shop tool.
I'm linking the work at Take a Word Challenge
This week we can choose our own theme, and this was mine.
Thank you for visiting.
'Vapautus, Aamunäkymä 2'
Tällä viikolla saimme valita teeman vapaasti, ja minä muunsin aiemmin tekemästäni työstä uuden version. Maiseman olin muunnellut jo aiemmin, nyt lisäksi suurensin seinää, vaihdoin naisen kuvan ja tein perhoset.
Kiitos käynnistäsi.

9 kommenttia:

  1. Both versions are absolutely gorgeous!!! Wish my mornings were like that:)

  2. They are both beautiful pages with lovely scenes from the window.
    Yvonne xx

  3. I like this one also. I think a nice spray of water (hopefully not too cold) would be a great way to enjoy some beautiful summery weather. hugs-Erika

  4. This is lovely, I see you are getting right on to that Photoshop it's a wonderful thing isn't it...great job.


  5. Pure Joy, Sirkkis. Great treatment of the window!

  6. Bravo, Sirkkis. Both pieces are lovely.

  7. Such beauty - one can feel the freedom and serenity here!


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