tiistai 18. helmikuuta 2020

A travelling man

For the 'Mail art' theme at Three Muses Challenge this week.
The man in my art is taking an interesting 'around the world trip'. 
It seems to start from Scotland and now he is in the United States,  another letter was posted from Fougeres train station in France.
I composed the digital collage with scraps which I found from my file.
Thank you for stopping by and taking part on the trip😉
'Matkustava mies'
on digikollaasini teemmaan 'Postitaide'.
Siinä mies tekee mielenkiintoista 'maailmanympäri'-matkaa.
Lähtömaa näyttää olevan Skotlanti ja kirje on lähetetty USA:sta, toinen kirje Ranskasta Fougeres-asemalta.
Koostin työni kansioistani löytyneestä silpusta.
Kiva, kun poikkesit matkalle 😉

7 kommenttia:

  1. I love all the bits and pieces you used to make this. Postal art is one favorite of mine so you can probably understand why I enjoy this piece. Hugs-Erika

  2. This one should have a great big standing ovation, Sirkkis. So much work and such a feast for the eyes, I feel like I want to go on this trip too.

  3. Clever and creative, Sirkkis. So many points of interest!

  4. i 100% adore this! beautifully constructed! love love love! xo

  5. This is fantastic love all those beautiful details...well done my friend.


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