perjantai 27. maaliskuuta 2020

Look deep

'Look deep into Nature, 
and then you will understand everything better.' -Albert Einstein
For Paint Party Friday Week 4, Year 10.
My creation was colored, filtered, effected and the layout made with Photoshop tools.
Thank you for looking and I appreciate the comment you leave.
Happy PPF everyone and stay safe 💜
'Katso syvälle luontoon, niin ymmärrät kaiken paremmin.' 
-Albert Einstein
Digikollaasini väritin, filtteroin ja tein layoutin ja tehosteet kuvankäsittelyssäni.
Hyvää ja turvallista viikonloppua kaikille meille 💜

14 kommenttia:

  1. Your art is beautiful!
    My best friends in school were Finnish! I grew up in a town where many Finnish people settled in the early 1880's.

  2. Beautiful piece and I love Einstein's quotes.

  3. A very beautiful scene of nature, its a great quote to use on this page as well.
    Yvonne xx

  4. A stunning page, the colours are gorgeous. Love the quote.
    Avril xx

  5. A beautiful digital image with a meaningful saying!
    Take care of yourself and stay healthy!
    Hug, Elke

  6. So beautiful and such a true quote!
    Happy weekend dear Sirkka!

    Susi xxx

  7. Your work is so interesting, and lovely!

  8. What a cool tree. I like this page. happy start to your weekend. Hugs-Erika

  9. Sirkkis this is brilliant. I love the placement of the eye. Be safe and elbow hugs.

  10. I love it. Love how you twisted and turned the beautiful tree and chose a well fitting backdrop. :)


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