perjantai 10. huhtikuuta 2020

Be like Water Lily...

It doesn't get effected by its surrounding and flourish on its own.
I'm linking my digital fantasy at Try it on Tuesday Challenge them the 'Beauty of Nature'
Paint Party Friday Week 6, Year 10.
Thank you for visiting and the time you take to leave the comment.
Wishing everyone healthy, happy Easter time.
'Ole kuin lumpeenkukka'
Siihen ympäristö ei vaikuta, vaan se kukkii omin voimin.' 
Tein tämän digifantasian teemaan 'Luonnon kauneus'.
Toivotan terveyttä ja hyvää pääsiäisviikonloppua meille kaikille.

20 kommenttia:

  1. Upean väristä taidetta.
    Ilosta Ja Aurinkoista Pääsiäistä Sinulle.

  2. Suloinen työ! Leppoisaa pääsiäisen aikaa❤️🐥

  3. Ihana työ! oikein katseenvangitsija😊 Mä niin rakastan noita värejä 👍
    Mukavaa Pääsiäistä myös sinulle 💖

  4. Oh I do love this page, is it Marilyn? Those vivid colours make her beauty shine even more Stunning!! Happy Easter xx Tracey xx

  5. Congratulations to you on a lovely digital presentation.

  6. Terrific piece and words well said ~ Happy Easter!

  7. Oh my-each new work you make is so lovely. And your blog header is amazing!

  8. Your natural beauty has become fantastic. I love your digital work.
    Happy Easter greetings from Elke

  9. A very beautiful page, nature gives us so many lovely glimpses of beauty and magic.
    Thank you for linking with us all at Try it on Tuesdays.
    Yvonne xx
    Stay safe and well

  10. she is so much like the flower... blooming

  11. utterly beautiful Sirkkis! Love the lotus image. Happy PPF!

  12. I wonder what that lady knows because that smile says she has a secret. I love the giant water lily too. It is stunning. Happy weekend. Hugs-Erika

  13. Wow she is gorgeous. Be Safe and Elbow Hugs

  14. A beautiful digital page, love the face emerging from the background.
    Thanks for sharing with us at Try it on Tuesday.
    Stay safe, Avril x


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