tiistai 7. huhtikuuta 2020

Hats are about emotion...

... it is all about how it makes you feel.
Thank you for visiting.
'Hattu ilmentää tunteita
 - kyse on siitä, miten se saa sinut tuntemaan.'
Kiitos käynnistä.

5 kommenttia:

  1. She had a lovely hat and I agree...it really is all about how it makes you feel under it!!! :) Lovely art Sirkkis!!! :)

  2. Beautiful! I love her hat and the whole "feel" of your lady clothed in nature xx Wishing you all the very best Sirkkis!

  3. This is lovely!
    I love to wear hats-I wish they were more in style like they were years ago.
    Stay safe-hugs!

  4. Love your piece, Sirkkis! Wish those hats would come back in style:)


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