tiistai 17. marraskuuta 2020

Joy, love, grow

It has been a long, grey time period here in Finland. It's not very cold but the sun hasn't appear for long time. So I wanted to make somethin uplifting, sunny and little crazy for us. There a garden lover lady is watering plants on her back yard, believing it will be blooming soon. I want to believe that it's happening here, too 😃
I'm linking my digital page at this week's challenge theme 'Birds'
I link the page also at Art Journal Journey this month's challenge theme 'Bird'. 
Thank you for visiting and the time you take to leave the comment.
Tähän harmauteen oli pakko tehdä jotain hullun hauskaa, valoisaa ja kannustavaa. Niinpä 'Iloitse, rakasta ja kasva'-otsikolla tein tämän aurinkoisen digikollaasin erikoisesta puutarhuri-rouvasta, joka uskoo tekevänsä takapihansa kukkivaksi paratiisiksi. Uskotaan mekin, 
että täällä puutarhoissa tapahtuu kohta samaa 😃
Kiva, jos kurkkasit tänne.

12 kommenttia:

  1. Both the idea and the woman-bird are charming Sirkkis!
    All this is full of sun, cheerfulness and hope.

  2. I love that gardening bird. How clever! Thanks so much for joining Wendy's challenge at Art Journal Journey. Hope you see some sun soon. We are getting cold for a day or too, really cold, like January. It is too early for that. Stay safe. Hugs-Erika

  3. Your bird lady is wonderful. I love how there's also a bird sitting on that sunflower. This is a really fun journal entry and I believe you truly HAVE given us something uplifting. Thanks for sharing this with us at Art Journal Journey using Wendy's bird theme.

  4. How fun, original and lovely...super job on this.

  5. This will surely brighten up a gloomy day. I'm hoping sunshine comes your way!

  6. Well you certainly managed to UPLIFT me, Miss Sirkkis. This is a delight.

    I feel your pain, my friend, we have been wading through fog for a couple of weeks now and it's certainly time for some sunny days.

  7. I love your collage. The flowers will grow and it gives us some fresh inspiration in the dark time of the year.

  8. Fabulous collage, love the bird lady. Thank you for another entry on Art journal Journey.

  9. She is such a lovely bird lady. Wonderfully bright. I love it.

  10. Well, your bird lady and her companion bird certainly cheered me up as did the lovely flowers and the smiling sun. How lovely to have such a cheery page to look at on a grey day.
    Thank you
    Hugs, Neet xx

  11. This is beautiful! I hope you see some sun soon - sunshine makes everything look better!! Hugs, Chrisx


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