lauantai 14. marraskuuta 2020

Shade to shade

For the challenge theme 'Eyeglasses' at Dreamers Challenge November 14th.
She loves to dress shade to shade.
I found out that the lady below  has got the eyeglasses as well 😉 It's my card from the year 2016, and I added the eyeglasses now.
Postcard 6x4 inches
Thank you for visiting. Have a happy new week ahead.
Tämän digityöni tein teemaan silmälasit.  Ylinnä oleva tyttö on tarkka pukeutumisestaan silmälaseja myöten; sävy sävyyn kaikki.
Kortin tyttö tarvitsee silmälasit sitten viime tapaamisen😉 Lisäsin aiemmin  tekemääni kuvaan ne hänelle.
Hyvää alkavaa uutta viikkoa kaikille.

10 kommenttia:

  1. Wau molemmat upeita luomuksia 👍
    ylemmässä taideteoksessa ihania erilaisia juttuja.
    Olet sinä mestari 🥰
    Mukavaa viikonloppua sinulle 🍂🍁💖

  2. She is gorgeous. I like the modern face with those very old fashion royal clothing. Hope you are having a great weekend. Hugs-Erika

  3. Beautiful mixed media artwork with the theme of 'eyeglasses' ~ Awesome!

    Live each moment with love,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  4. Oh, Sirkkis!
    What a beauty!!
    Shade to shade...
    (May I swap it please?)

  5. Hello Sirkkis,

    Yes, we can swap virtuel images by e-mail.
    My adress is in my Blogger profile, but there it is:
    Yours doesn't appear, so, I'll wait for your e-mail for sending mine at your adress.

    Thank you for the swap my friend! :)
    Have a good and serene week!

  6. Hi, Sim!
    I sent my work; you see my email address there.
    Thank you for asking, it's an honor.
    Have a happy day, my friend xx

  7. Fabulous both. Love all the colors, layers and textures...two masterpieces.

  8. Wowzer! These are amazing! Looks like you had a lot of fun with this challenge.
    Thanks for playing


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