Hunger is not a pleasant state, but familiar to photo models, I think.
The photo of a model, which was found from a fashion magazine, inspired me to create this digital piece. I altered the woman cut out with a filter, and combined with the fork and onions. I made the background with other elements you see, and made some coloring inspired by the onions.I converted the totally black and white version from the first page for the theme 'Black and White' at Three Muses Challenge this week.
Above is a posterization version
Above is my man version. I tried a back/ white alteration, but didn't like it at all.
I made the background with grunge edges, PSE- filters and materials, and typed the Boris Pasternak's words.
I combined the man with the old images I found from my files.
Muotilehdestä leikkaamani naisen kuva inspiroi tekemään
sivun, johon muunsin kuvaa digitaalisesti ja tein sille taustan yhdistämällä muita kuvia ja maalaamalla m/v-taustaa digitaalisesti.
Siitä tein täysin musta/valkoisen version, koska se oli haasteteemana.
Pidän itse enemmän ensimmäisestä versiosta.
Tällainen inspiraatiokuva syntyi, koska nälkä ei ole mukava
olotila, mutta uskoisin, että se on tuttu monelle mallintyötä tekevälle.
Tein lisäksi mies-version, johon myös otin mukaan värin. Kokeilin täysin musta/valkoista, mutta en pitänyt siitä lainkaan.
Wow these are fabulous, you are so talented with your digital vision. The man's jumper is incredible. Yes sadly there seems to be a trend for super skinny models, if only fashion would present a true vision of all shapes and sizes we'd all be alot happier with ourselves. Beautiful work.
VastaaPoistaI hope you are keeping well..?? Stay safe Hugs Tracey xx
These are all incredible, Sirkkis. I agree that hunger is not pleasant, and super models often starve themselves to stay thin enough to get work. I also LOVE the man you morphed. These are all really incredible digital creations.
VastaaPoistaWau mitä upeuksia taas.
VastaaPoistaMy goodness, Miss Sirkkis, you are on a magnificent black and white roll. I love them all but my favourite is the starving model in black and white. Fan Tas Tic.
VastaaPoistaThe first one is really impressive, even if they are all beautiful Sirkkis!
VastaaPoistaI like the guy's T-shirt too, 'having a hollow in the stomach' means 'being hungry' in French, so it's doubly well done! Applause!!
These are marvelous, Sirkkis. Thank you for taking us through the process of their creation. You are SO talented at creating your very own vision from bits and pieces harvested from here and there. Bravo, my friend!
VastaaPoistaMukavaa katseltavaa, olen ollut poissa jonkun aikaa, tuli ikävä sairaus, mutta nyt yritän leikkiä taas Photoshopin kanssa.
Wow you have been busy. The first one has such great details I really love all of them. the first variation is my favorite. I like the optical illusion on the second and the words are so true...excellent work.
VastaaPoistaWOW!!!nice responses
VastaaPoistaMINE IS HERE
much love...