perjantai 18. joulukuuta 2020


Welfare is a very wide concept. But of course it starts from yourself, and when you meet with it, you may share and widen it with your nearest,  your surrounding and the public welfare.
I listed some witch I think to mean the welfare for me and maybe for you:
Live simply, dream big, be grateful, give love, laugh lots...
I made the page using my earlier hand painted woman. I've painted it with ink and black pens. Now I cropped her out of the original painting (beneath) and made her digitally a new background, added other images and edited the texts.
Girl by a small lake (2017)
I'm linking my art journal/mixed-media page on the Tracey's theme 'Meaning of...) at Art Journal Journey Challenge this month
I'm linking the page also at Paint Party Friday, Week 42, Year 10.
Thank you for stopping by and the comment you kindly leave.
Happy PPF and weekend everyone.
Be safe and enjoy a holiday season.
on laaja käsite ja tietysti sen saavuttaminen alkaa itsestä. Kun on kokenut sen, voi jakaa ja laajentaa sitä lähimmäisiin, ympäristöön sekä yleiseen hyvinvointiin.
Listasin tähän muutamia, joista voin - ehkä sinäkin - aloittaa:
elä yksinkertaisesti, haaveile isoista asioista, ole kiitollinen, anna rakkautta, naura paljon...
Art journal sivuni tein käyttämällä aiemmin maalaamastani kuvasta (ohessa) irrottamaani naisen kuvaa. Tein sille nyt uuden taustan digitaalisesti, lisäsin muut kuvat ja editoin tekstit.
Linkitän sivuni teemaa 'Merkitys (valinnainen)'. Kiitos käynnistä.
Upeaa talvista viikonloppua toivotan kaikille blogivierailleni.

18 kommenttia:

  1. Two beautiful creations, love the textures on the painting. Anesha x

  2. The woman is so pretty and the digital page is stunning with the words to it.
    Have a nice Christmas time, hug Elke

  3. Oh I LOVE this! I'm so happy you are showing more of your own artwork, because it is really lovely.

  4. Both pieces are beautiful, and what lovely words to live by. Happy PPF!

  5. Beautiful page and I love the words!

  6. Oh so beautiful ~ very creative mixed media artwork ~

    Live each moment with love,

    A ShutterBug Explores
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  7. Your lady is beautiful, and she goes well in the digital entry you created, as well. I absolutely LOVE all the things you believe in. These are how everyone should feel. Too bad we have to be reminded at times. So glad your art did that beautifully today. It is a beautiful entry for Tracey's theme at Art Journal Journey, dear Sirkkis.

  8. A wonderful page Sirkkis. Your lady is beautiful!
    Alison xx

  9. Lovely! I really like the lake scenery. I love landscape/nature paintings. :)

  10. Beautiful journal pages and inspirational words

    Happy PPF

    much love...

  11. Two gorgeous pages, very creative.Have a lovely Christmas.

  12. I love both versions, beautiful work!
    Merry Christmas!

  13. She is very captivating Sirrkis. I love that beautiful bright background too. She is striking against it. Nice quotes too. I hope all is well with you. Thanks for joining in at Art Journal JOurney too. Hugs-Erika

  14. Such a positive post, in words and her striking beauty. I love how you shared her previous pose and adapted the background to breathe mew life and grace to her being. She's so pretty Hugs Tracey xx Take care x

  15. Lovely page and a lovely set of words. I also love the original painting you took your lady from.
    Hugs, Neet xx


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