I made these alterations of the famous painting Mona Lisa (restored), whom we all know from her mystic smile. I used layer mask techniques. You see beneath the material, which I altered for my jungle alteration.
The layering and effects were made with Photoshop elements.
A brave woman, isn't she 😉
I am linking the post on this week's challenge theme 'Mona' at Three Muses.
Thank you for visiting.
*Seikkailijatar Mona*
Näet kaksi eri tulkintaani tästä kaikkien tuntemasta maalauksesta, jossa Mona Lisan salaperäinen hymy ei lakkaa meitä askarruttamasta.
Otin humoristisen otteen teemaan 'Mona'. Ylimmässä kuvassa hän seikkailee ilmassa, alemmassa viidakossa.
Rohkea nainen, vai mitä😉
Näet alla kuvat, joista fotosopin työkaluin muuntelin aineiston viidakkotyöhön.
Kiitos käynnistä.
Fun adventures for you.
VastaaPoistaI can see that we all love playing with Mona, these are superb and very creative. Great job.
VastaaPoistaMona looks great in modern dress. A white jacket, pants and the black boots look great on her. Happy mid-week. Hugs-Erika
VastaaPoistaHahaha! I love both Sirkkis!!
VastaaPoistaOne fun and the other mysterious, they are so beautiful and clever.
Wonderful job!
Have warm time and good fun my friend.
Hauska ja hieno seikkailijatar, upeat työt.
VastaaPoistaBRAVO!!! some nice ones
VastaaPoistaMine is HERE
Mona is a great digital creation ~ well done ~ Xo
VastaaPoistaWishing you love and laughter in your day,
A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)
What a wonderful mona!!!
VastaaPoistaOh Sirrkis Mona is beautiful with your artistic touches. Thank you for identifying yourself on my blogger. I was wondering who the anonymous is I tried to click on it to see who it is and blogger wouldn't allow me to. It is very strange how blogger is messing with a lot of people's comments. I can only comment on your blog if I change browsers. I don't mind because I get to see your beautiful art. Have a lovely day.
VastaaPoistaI love your adventurous Mona!!
VastaaPoistaI love, love, love them, Sirkkis. You have created something fun and wonderful.