tiistai 12. heinäkuuta 2022


Klick the picture, please.
My digital collage for the theme 'Happiness' at the Three Muses this week.
You were born to be real, not to be perfect.  - Unknown
"Self-love starts with forgiving for past mistakes and allow yourself grace to make mistakes in the future - you are human, after all." Sources: The Healthy
Thank you for visiting.
Rakasta itseäsi.
Olet syntynyt todelliseksi, et täydelliseksi.  
 - Tuntematon
"Itsensä rakastaminen alkaa siitä, että annat itsellesi anteeksi menneet virheet ja armollisuutta tehdä virheitä jatkossakin - olet ihminen, ennen kaikkea."  
Lähde: The Healthy
Kiitos käynnistä.

5 kommenttia:

  1. Beautiful work and words...great job.

  2. Dear Me, I haven't heard that expression in many many years. My grandmother use to say it. This is a happy piece with the fish and the flowers. Your art should be in a gallery with virtual showings. Have a great day and I will see you for FFO.

  3. This is just awesome.
    Mine is HERE


  4. Very beautiful, very wise, and perfect for the theme dear Sirkkis! Bravo!


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