keskiviikko 13. heinäkuuta 2022

Rose garden secrets at the moonlight

We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things,
because we are curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths.
                                                              - Walt Disney -
 For the Wendy's theme 'Doors or arches' at Art Journal Journey this month.
 Design, layout, text editing, digital coloring and effects were made with photoshop elements by me. I used old free and MC-images from my files.
Thank you for visiting.
Ruusutarhan salaisuuksia kuunvalossa.
Liikumme eteenpäin, avaamme uusia ovia ja teemme uusia  asioita, koska olemme uteliaita ja uteliaisuus johtaa meitä uusille poluille. -Walt Disney-
Digityöni teemaan 'Ovet ja kaaret'.
Tein kaiken fotoshopin työkaluin.
Kiitos käynnistä.

8 kommenttia:

  1. Its a wonderful quote to go with this beautiful page you have created, all the layered images make a fantastic scene.
    Yvonne xx

  2. This image is beautiful Sirkkis! I love!
    (And the title too, so evocative:)

  3. I wonder what those rose garden secrets are. That beautiful woman is never going to tell us, is she? This is a gorgeous piece Sirkkis. It is also perfect for Wendy's challenge. Thanks for sharing with us at AJJ. I hope summer is going well with you my friend. hugs-Erika

  4. The secret is on the band of the bird: Under my wings every thing prospers :)

  5. A fabulous page, love all the different elements you have used. Thank you so much for sharing this beautiful page with us for my theme on AJJ.

  6. Wow! The tint of the woman's skin and the flowers is brilliant! I love her smile too. You always amaze me. See you tomorrow for FFO.

  7. I am trying to catch up to everything I missed while I was offline. I realize I'm late visiting and hope you see this comment because I realize how long it's been since you shared it.

    That door is lovely, but pales in comparison to the beautiful lady who is outside it. Love how the rose garden is keeping its secrets. Great Rumi quote and a lovely quote by Disney, too. This is sheer magic. Thanks for sharing this with us at Art Journal Journey using Wendy's theme, dear Sirkkis.


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