perjantai 15. heinäkuuta 2022

My second summer girl

Acrylic painting on 5,5 x 4,5 inch cardstock.
Here it was another hot week in addition to thundering and showers of rain, so I stayed at home a lot, and inspired to paint more faces. 
She is my second summer -22 girl. 
You see beneath also when I haven't painted her dress and accessories yet. I took the photo, because I wasn't sure whether I succeed with the design of her dress, which I planned to paint. It went quite well, and I think she looks nice in the white dress, too. What do you think?

 I'm linking the girls at the Nicole's/DVArtist theme 'FFO' Friday Face Off.
Wishing everyone a Happy Weekend; 
and thank you for visiting.
Toinen 'Kesätyttö'.
Kulunut viikko oli edelleen helteinen ja lisäksi ukkosti ja satoi, joten olin paljon sisällä ja inspiroiduin maalaamaan akryyleillä tytön teemaan 'Kasvot'.
Näet hänet valmiina sekä ennen kuin maalasin mekon ja asusteet. En ollut
 varma onnistunko mekon kuvioinnissa ja siksi otin kuvan ennen maalaamista, että jää jotain käteen. No, olen tyytyväinen tulokseen, mutta pidän kyllä
 hänestä valkoisissaankin ja laitoin molemmat kuvat esille.
Kiva, jos poikkesit blogissa. Hyvää viikonloppua kaikille.

10 kommenttia:

  1. Beautiful! To summer (hope ours comes back).

  2. I don't know which outfit I prefer on her. I always wished I had long hair like this rich black hair your beauty has so I could do something with mine, but my hair is so thin and looks better short. These are both great Sirkkis. Have a great weekend my friend. Hugs-Erika

  3. I think I like the white better, but you did a great job on the dress.

  4. I feel either way is great! One thing comes to mind though. The white allows for more emphasis on her face. Beautiful work!

    1. I made the same observation. Thank you for the comment 💚

  5. She is beautiful in both dresses. I like the contrast of the white dress. Could be a summer dress or a wedding outfit.

  6. I like both and my favourite is the patterned dress.

  7. I actually like the white dress painting better, maybe because of the contrast? But then, I'm a black and white art lover!! ☺ We had a wild thunderstorm here last night, knocked out the power!

  8. Wow, these are both very beautiful. I like the printed dress a lot, especially in combination with the earrings, and they both give the face a different expression than in the white dress. It's interesting how some color can change a painting.

  9. Beautiful Sirkkis. You always wow me with your paintings.


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