torstai 27. huhtikuuta 2023

Imperfection is beauty

 My hybrid art journal page made with my earlier hand painted portrait, beneath, which I now cropped digitally from its background, and made a new one, which is  a piece of corrugated cardstock which I long time ago took from a package, acrylic gold and white paint and a piece of lace. Now I added digitally overlays and the text on it.

Hand painted portrait
Hand made recycled material
Im linking the page on the Bleubeard & Elizabeth's theme 'Recycle, Reuse or/and Repurpose' at Art Journal Journey this month.
And at the Nicole's/DVArtist Friday Face Off this week.
Thank you for visiting. Happy weekend.
Tämän hybridityön (käsintehdyn ja digitaalisen materiaalin yhdistelmä) tein irrottamalla käsin akryyleillä maalaamastani muotokuvasta taustan. Siirsin muotokuvan uudelle taustalle, joka on vanha käsin tekemäni tausta. Olen laatikosta irrottamalleni aaltopahville lisännyt valkoista ja kulta akryylimaalia ja kiinnittänyt pitsiä. Sille lisäsin nyt digitaalisesti kerrostumia ja tekstit 'Ihmettelen', 'kauneus on epätäydellinen.'
Kiitos käynnistä ja hyvää viikonloppua. 

10 kommenttia:

  1. What a stunning beauty. Your lady is so ethereal. She goes well with the recycled lace. I really like how the lace contrasts beautifully with the "grunge" of the corrugated cardboard. This is a stunning entry for Bleubeard's and my theme at Art Journal Journey. Thank you for sharing this.

  2. Great page, love the lace against your painting with texture of the corrugated card.

  3. I love how you have contrasted the hard corrugated card with the delicate lace - it looks so well and provides the perfect foil alongside the beautiful lady you painted previously. A beautiful hybrid piece of work Sirkkis.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  4. I love the face, even without all the great recycled pieces. The lace and cardboard are so opposite to each other, but really work together well. Thanks for sharing this with us Sirkkis. This piece is wonderful for Elizabeth's challenge. hugs-Erika

  5. ...each week I look forward to see your lovely lady and this week I'm not disappointed. Sirkkis, I hope that you will enjoy a wonderful spring weekend.

  6. Magnificent journal page ~ Wow! Beauty ~

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  7. She is just gorgeous. I truly love her face. Thank you for sharing with FFO. Nicole/DVArtist

  8. Todella tyylikäs työ 👍 nainen on niin kaunis ja sopii hienosti uuteen taustaan 😊

  9. So, is this a self portrait ... or just a portrait? Either way, she is very pretty and you are very clever the way you remade her. Nicely done, Sirkkis ...

    Andrea @ From the Sol

  10. Todella kaunis ja herkkä. Ihanasti sopii tuo kaunokainen taustaan ja pitsiin.
    Mukavaa Vappua Sinulle


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