tiistai 6. kesäkuuta 2023

A journey of thousand miles

A Chinese proverb: 
'A journey of thousand miles begins at one's feet.'  Dao De Jing
My art journal inspiration for the theme 'All about numbers' chosen by Matilde/Craftowanie at Art Journal Journey this month.
On my digital work you see some Chinese numbers, and the layout of page was made with freebie and other images, and effected with some digital filters.
Thank you for looking.
Tein digikollaasini/art journal-sivuni digitekniikalla teemaan 'Kaikki numeroista.'
Näet siinä numeroita - myös kiinalaisia.
Materiaali on ilmais- ja muita kuvia, muunnelmat ja tehosteita lisäsin digitekniikalla.
Hyvää alkanutta uutta viikkoa kaikille.

7 kommenttia:

  1. wonderful, I love this extraordinary art!!!!!
    Happy week, hug Elke

  2. Such a beautiful page - I love the little bird ! Hugs, Chrisx

  3. This is a gorgeous page Sirkkis. And that Chinese saying is very true! I love your Asian take on Matilde’s theme. Thank you for joining us. Hugs Erika

  4. It's so beautiful! I love your digital collages 🥰

  5. Oh, this is so very beautiful, Sirkkis. I love the Chinese art, numbers, and proverb! It all looks absolutely beautiful. Thanks for sharing! Hugs, Sharon

  6. Wow, Sirkkis. This is stunning. I adore the Chinese inspired art including the numbers. This is a charming entry and perfect for Matilde's theme at AJJ.


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