perjantai 30. kesäkuuta 2023

Summer joy

'Summer joy' 
Klick the picture to see it bigger, please!
I'm linking this hybrid collage at the Nicole's/DVArtist FFO weekly challenge.
I combined it with the pieces from my earlier made digital and hand made art. There you see beach life, nature wonders, busy summer insects and young love.
Thank you for stopping by. Enjoy the weekend ahead.
'Kesän iloja'
on hybridikollaasini, jonka koostin aiemmin tekemistäni digitöistä, mukana myös käsintehty ATC. Näet siinä siivekkäitä ahkeria hyönteisiä, rantailoa ja rakkautta.
Klikkaamalla kuvaa näet sen isompana!
Ihanaa kesää teillekin.

5 kommenttia:

  1. ...Sirkkis, you always have such lovely ladies! Take care and enjoy your summer weekend.

  2. These ladies are lovely, and perfect for summer.They're all fabulous images. And nice faces too. Have a great weekend. hugs-Erika

  3. I apologize for missing visiting from AJJ as well as seeing your FFO post last week, but what I originally thought was a mild case of food poisoning turned into something far worse.

    These are wonderful examples of summer joy. I like the ladies playing the ukulele and the young love. They are all really wonderful entries for FFO.

  4. Nicole/DVArtist Love this happy summer piece of art. Thank you for joining FFO and have a lovely weekend.

  5. Young everything not just young at heart ... and yes, I hope I am young at heart as I did enjoy this lovely collage ...

    Andrea @ From the Sol


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