perjantai 4. elokuuta 2023

Visiting the town full of Art Nouveau

In Prague, Czech republic, the summer 2008
You see above my  hybrid art journal page, and on it the photos of Astronomic Clock Tower and the Municipal House building, which I photographed when visited the town. 
There up in the page you see my hand made portrait painting altered now a hybrid collage with digital techniques.
The Astronomical Clock on the wall of Old Town Hall is the oldest functioning Astronomical Clock in the world, dating back to the year 1410. 'The Walk of the Apostles', an hourly show of moving Apostle figures and other sculptures, notably  a figure of a skeleton
 that represents Death, striking the time; and a calendar dial with medallions representing the months.
I really enjoyed that great unique historical show with other visitors.
On the right hand page is the Art Nouveau style Municipal House with its beautiful facade. You can have a coffee, lunch or dinner in its superb restaurants.
I visited also the famous Czech artist Alfonso Mucha's Museum, which is
dedicated to his life and art. As far as I can remember, I bought some postcards for sending to my friends.
Art by Mucha

My acrylic portrait set on a napkin BG paper - there up you see the hybrid version.
I'm linking this post on the Nicole's FFO at DV Artist this week, and
at Chris's theme 'Where in the World?' Art Journal Journey this month.
Thank you for visiting 🧡
Happy August to everyone.
Vierailuni kaupungissa täynnä Art Nouveau-taidetta ja arkkitehtuuria, eli 
Tsekin pääkaupungissa Prahassa kesällä 2008.
Hybridikollaasini tein ottamistani kahdesta valokuvasta ja käsin maalaamastani  ja digitaalisesti hybridiksi muuntamastani työstä.
Toisessa valokuvassa on kuuluisa maailman vanhin vielä toimiva Astronominen Kello, joka on vanhankaupungin tornissa raatihuoneen seinässä. Kellossa on kolme pääosaa: tähtitieteellinen kellotaulu, joka osoittaa auringon ja kuun sijainnin taivaalla, 'Apostolin kävely', jolloin kellokoneisto esittää joka tunti liikkuvia veistoksia, ja kalenteritaulu, jonka medaljongit edustavat kuukausia. Päivisin kello toimii tasatunnein klo 9-21. Kuoleman hahmo soittaa kelloa ja 12 apostolia tulee näkyviin liikkuen sen yläpuolella.
Tuhannet ihmiset kerääntyvät torille katselemaan, minä muiden joukossa.
Toisessa ottamassani valokuvassa on vanha Artnoveau-tyylinen keskustassa sijaitseva Kunnantalo upeine julkisivumaalauksineen. Siellä voi nauttia korkeatasoisten ravintoloiden ja kahviloiden herkuista.
Vierailin myös Alfonso Muchan galleriassa, joka on omistettu hänen taiteelleen ja elämälleen. Ostin muistaakseni sieltä kortteja.
Tämän työni linkitän teemoihin 'Missä päin maailmaa?' sekä 'Kasvot'.
Mukavaa elokuista viikonloppua kaikille sateisesta säästä huolimatta 🧡

10 kommenttia:

  1. What a beautiful journal page, Sirkkis. Wonderful photos of Prague. That astronomical clock tower is fascinating. So glad you shared it with us. This is a perfect entry for Chris's theme at AJJ. Thanks for sharing it.

    And of course, I was fascinated by Mucha's art, too. I loved the napkin background you chose for the second face. That was brilliant.

  2. I'd like to visit Prague. I love your page, and your hand painted face on it makes it even more special. Thanks so much for sharing it with us for Chris' challenge.. And that clock looks great, as does the museum. Maybe one day I will get there. And take care with the hornets you mentioned in your comment on my post. You are right; hornets can be nasty. Have a loveyl weekend. hugs-Erika

    1. Thank you dear Ladies 😊 It's interesting town; I've visited it several times 🤩

  3. ...I love your haunting lady, she is beautiful. Enjoy your weekend.

  4. I had a friend (now deceased) who loved to visit Prague. Thanks for sharing these images.

  5. Love your acrylic portrait -- beautiful work!

  6. Your collage brings back happy memories of visiting Prague

  7. Ohhhh she is gorgeous. I so love her expression. Thank you for joining FFO and have a very nice weekend.

  8. What a brilliant post! I loved Prague, although when we went the clock was being repaired and was covered up, Thank you for sharing at AJJ, hugs, Chrisx


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