sunnuntai 6. elokuuta 2023

Madeira, Funchal

Monte Palace Tropical Garden in Madeira

The Monte Palace Tropical Garden occupies an area at 70,000m2, and has been replanted with exotic flora from different continents and with typical plants from the Laurissilva Forest, which was classified by UNESCO.
Clicking the photos you have a better view.


Above you see my digital Art Journal page, which I composed with a leaflet's and my own photos taken when I visited Madeira in 2004 and 2005.
Madeira, the Island in Atlantic Ocean belongs to Portugal, and has been my favorite holiday place at my older age. There are mild, warm, not hot climate all over the year. I've visited there in autumns and around Christmas, when in Southern Europe weather is already rainy. 
Madeira has very beautiful nature rich of flowers and green plants and blooming trees. Funchal is the capital city and most of hotels are there.
 The Monte Palace Tropical Garden  where is also The Monte Palace Museum, which has three galleries for collections of minerals and gems, is located outside the town about on the middle of the island.  
The Garden has old British, and international history. I made the upper part of my journal page using pictures taken from a leaflet, and photos under it are the photos taken on my visits. In the lowest of them you see the sea, and the photo of Hotel Mare, where I used to stay in Funchal. 
The orchid garden in Funchal is lovely place to visit, as well.
I'm linking this post at Art Journal Journey on Chris's theme 'Where in the World?'
Thank you for visiting 💚
Tein yllä olevan Art Journal työni digitaalisesti ja käytin siinä yläosassa esitteestä ottamiani kuvia ja alaosassa omia siellä vuosina 2004 ja 2005 otettuja valokuvia.
Kuten varmaankin tiedät Madeira kuuluu Portugalille, ja Funchal on saaren pääkaupunki. Hotellit ovat keskittyneet sinne. Ilmastoltaan se on ihanteellinen meille, jotka emme välitä kuumuudesta ja rannoilla makoilusta. Nuorempana kyllä pidin siitäkin, mutta vanhemmiten Madeira on ollut lempikohteitani syksyisin, kun etelä-Euroopassa on jo sateista. Olen vieraillut siellä myös joulun tienoilla.
Ylinnä näet kuvia upeasta Trooppisesta puutarhasta, joka sijaitsee saaren keskiosassa. Sillä on vanha 1800-luvulle ulottuva kansainvälinen historia. Sinne on istutettu muista maanosista tuotuja trooppisia kasveja. Puistossa on myös museo , jossa mineraali- ja jalokivikokoelmia.
Alinna on kuva hotellista, missä usein Funchalissa asuin. Kaupungissa on ihanan verhreää, paljon kukkivia pensaita ja puita, ja kauempana keskustasta löytyy orkkidea-puutarhakin. Kuvia voi klikkaamalla nähdä tarkemmin.
Hyvää alkavaa uutta viikkoa kaikille💚

6 kommenttia:

  1. Wow! I know I would love these gardens - they look big enough to spend the day there. Thanks so much for sharing your beautiful page for my theme at AJJ, hugs, Chrisx

  2. Beautiful page-I know I would love to visit those places.

  3. Never heard of the island of Madeira.
    Coffee is on, and stay safe.

  4. Madeira is one of those places I don't know anything about, but your photos and page make it look beautiful. And it sounds like a place that would be worth a visit. It's great to see the photos from your trip- is that you? Thanks for joining us at AJJ. Happy new week too. hugs-Erika

  5. Your maps helped show where Madeira was. It certainly looks like a tropical paradise. You certainly make it look like it was a beautiful place, both the Monte Palace Tropical Garden and the Museum. Thanks for sharing it with us at AJJ using Chris's theme.


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