tiistai 8. elokuuta 2023

"Stopover in Lisbon"

Lisbon, the capital city of Portugal


Estoril is in Portugal, on the Portuguese Riviera. It is a tourist destination with luxury hotels, because the Casino Estoril. It has been home to numerous royal families and celebrates as the Estoril Open and the Lisbon & Estoril Festival.
I visited there with my friend in the 1990s, and because the distance to Lisbon was only 25 km, and there was a fast local train connection between Lisbon, we visited it several times. Lisbon is the interesting, even exciting big old town. I especially remember a huge flea market there in the center, and a tram car traffic down on a high hill surrounded with colorful houses. Unfortunately I didn't find my old photos.
I made my Art Journal page's main Lisbon picture with 'fantasy art style'.
I'm linkin the post at Art Journal Journey Chris's theme 'Where in the World?'
Thank you for visiting my memories of the interesting places 🚋
'Välilasku Lissaboniin😉'
Tein tämän Lissabonin pääkuvan 'fantasia tyylillä', muut kuvat ovat Estorilista, missä vierailin ystäväni kanssa 90-luvulla. Ja koska Lissaboniin oli nopea sähköjunayhteys 25 km, vierailimme siellä useaan otteeseen. En löytänyt enää valokuvia kummastakaan kohteesta, joten käytin netistä löytämiäni kuvia.
Lissabonista on etenkin mieleeni jäänyt valtava kirpputori kaupungin keskellä ja raitiotieyhteys korkealta mäeltä värikkäiden talojen ympäröimänä.
Estoril on varsinkin nykyisin suosittu lomakohde, koska siellä on Casino ja kaupungissa pidetään Lissabonin ja Estorilin festivaaleja. Hiekkarannat ovat myös mainiot. Kaupunki on entisaikaan ollut kuninkaallisten lomakohde. Kovin kaukana sieltä ei ole myöskään Estorilin formularata, josta me suomalaiset olemme tietysti kiinnostuneita. Bussilla kävimme sielläkin.
Kiva kun poikkesit. Mukavaa viikon jatkoa kaikille 😊

7 kommenttia:

  1. I apologize for taking so long to visit. Life has gotten in the way of computer time.

    This may be a fantasy, but it is a superb one. You have created a genuinely fun filled visit to Lisbon. I feel a bit like that "angel" looking down on the vibrant city. Thanks for this amazing entry you have provided Art Journal Journey using Chris's theme.

  2. I think a stopover in LIsbon would be fabulous. It's on my go to list, and hopefully one day I will visit. I love the big photo of the city you shared and how you added to it. It's a great page for Chris' challenge. I hope you're having some lovely summer weather. hugs-Erika

  3. Thank you for this information about this city and the journal page is beautifully designed of it and the photos to go with it.
    Happy week , hug Elke

  4. Pearshapedchris What a fabulous page, it is perfect for my theme and I also loved seeing your photos. Thanks so much fro sharing at AJJ, Hugs,Chrisx

  5. This is a beautiful journal page and I love the feeling one gets as one looks at it. it is such a shame that this beautiful country is being ravaged by wild fires at the moment. Thank you for sharing a lovely page.
    Hugs, Neet xx

    1. Thank you Neet😘
      The world is burning. The latest news tell about the catastrophe in Hawaii 🔥


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