perjantai 11. elokuuta 2023

Summer Girls

My 'Summer Girls'-hybrid collage, which I made using my earlier painted 'girl and  sunflower' (underneath), and with the parts of my digitally made works. I made the text with a photoshop tool.

Acryl and pastels painting

I'm linking this post at the Nicole's FFO, DV Artist this week.
Thank you for stopping by, and have a wonderful weekend 😊
'Kesä-tytöt' kollaasini teemaan 'Kesä-23'.
Nautitaan viikonlopusta ja loppukesästä 😊

14 kommenttia:

  1. ...I hope that you and your lovely ladies are enjoying the summer.

  2. Your girls made up a fun collage!

  3. OH you have to love summer girls. I don't think a bikini would be on my personal list-smile. Another great page Sirkkis. I love your idea of summer girls. Have a nice weekend. hugs-Erika

  4. The collage looks great! I envy anyone who can use computers to make art!

  5. Very creative and colorful collage art work ~

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  6. Your "Summer Girls" collage is great, Sirkkis. I appreciate how your composition pulls the viewer right into the center. I have an idea for a collage, and I'm picking up some art supplies tomorrow. I'm learning for you and other talented collage artists. Have a great weekend!

  7. Fabulous summer art. I love your red headed lady. That hair do is exceptional. Thank you for joining FFO and have a great weekend.

  8. Sorry I'm late visiting. Hoping to be more punctual now the clean up is over. Your summer ladies are as sultry as the heat that is permeating the world. this is a fascinating hybrid digital entry, Sirkkis and I love it.

  9. Lämmintä on, mikäpä neitokaisten on nauttiessa kauniista kesäpäivästä. 😊
    Kaunis kesätunnelmainen kooste.

    Pitkällä tauolla olin, jospa hissukseen palailisin.
    Mukavia elokuun päiviä sinulle ! ☀️

  10. A delightful, bright sunshiny Summer Girls poster, Sirkkis ... what photoshop tool did you use for the Text? Hope you have many more summer days ahead :)

    Andrea @ From the Sol

    1. Thank you, Andrea 😘
      I have Photoshop Elements program and there are many kind of tools for digital working.


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