maanantai 23. lokakuuta 2023

Air ship adventure

'Don't let the fear of  falling keep you from flying.'

The idea for the above steam punk style digital page started from the photo below.

 I created and composed the layout  with the images I found from my files. I added overlays, filters and effects with my photoshop tools and layer masks, and finished the work typing the quote and adding the frame.
I'm linking  my art journal page at Art journal Journey on the Neet's theme 'In Gear'.
Thank you for stopping by. Have a wonderful week ahead.
'Älä anna putoamisen pelon estää lentämistäsi.'
Alla oleva kuva inspiroi minut suunnittelemaani sisällön tähän 'höyryaika'-tyyliseen art journal-työhöni. Lay outin toteutin digitekniikalla kansioistani löytyneillä kuvilla ja fotoshopin työkaluilla.
Hyvää alkanutta uutta viikkoa kaikille.

7 kommenttia:

  1. Really nice.
    My latest gear is


  2. WOW! What a fab picture. Love the image that you began with, she is perfect for the way this picture evolved. I just love the row of hot air balloons that decorate as a border at the base and the plane, zeppelin and machinery are magnificent. Everything about this composition gels perfectly. Thank you so much for joining in with my theme at AJJ again Sirkkis.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  3. She is one cool lady. I love her, and I love that plane and balloon page you created. It has a nice vintage but also a very modern feel. That is a great use of gears for Neet's challenge too. Thank you again for joining us at AJJ. It's always fun to see what you create. Happy new week. Hugs-Erika

  4. Oi mikä ihana steampunk-henkinen työ. Ihailen ilmalaivoja ja kauniita nuo koneiden rattaat.

  5. You did a very nice job! Have a beautiful week friend. Aloha

  6. Kyllä silmä lepää jälleen työssäsi 😊👍


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