keskiviikko 25. lokakuuta 2023

Be an original

'In a world full of copies, be an original.'
I got the inspiration for this digital art piece  from two old photos below, which I've saved into my files:

The other images, which I added, are from my files as well. I worked with my photoshop tools, and that is what you see now. I made it just for fun.
I'm linking 'The Original' art journal page for the theme 'In Gear' at Art Journal Journey chosen by Neet.
Thank you for looking.
"Maailmassa täynnä kopioita, ole omaperäinen."
Tein tämän digityöni 'ihan huvikseni' ja kaksi yllä olevaa vanhaa arkistoimaani kuvaa antoivat siihen idean. Muu materiaali löytyi myös kansioistani ja fotoshop-työkalut auttoivat tekemisessä.
Linkitän sen haasteteemaan 'Ratas'.
Kiva, kun poikkesit katsomassa.

5 kommenttia:

  1. Skuch a striking image on a striking page Sirkkis. I love the black and white with the touch of gold for the figure. You have married the two "finds" perfectly to create an original page.
    Thanks again for joining in with my theme at AJJ.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  2. This is really cool Sirkkis. You are rocking this challenge. That's a really cool way to use gears, and it works great too. I hope you are having a super week, and thanks for joining us at AJJ for Neet's challenge. hugs-Erika

  3. Hi Sirkkis, this is a wondrous piece of art, my friend. I really miss your weekly art pieces on our blog. I would be so pleased to see you there again at Our Midweek Muse. :D

  4. It's a great combination of these elements! Well done! 😍

  5. Tämä on todella upea 👍olet saanut vangittua naisen hengen kuvaan 😊


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