perjantai 8. joulukuuta 2023

A miracle/Ihme

*A miracle in the Sky*  
On the above picture you can read the words of  the most influential scientist of all time, Albert Einstein, who tells what he thinks about the miracle and life.
I created this fantasy art journal page digitally. The silver moon is made by me with the digital technique, other images are old MC-materials. The whole design was made with my photoshop tools, filters and effects.
 On the hand in the sky dancing women is my miracle to show also you.
I'm linking the page on Wendy's 'Sky' theme at Art Journal Journey Challenge,
Thank you for looking. 
Wishing you a really wonderful December time 🌟
*Ihme taivaalla*
"On vain kaksi tapaa elää elämääsi. 
Yksi on ikäänkuin mikään ei ole ihme.
Toinen on ikäänkuin kaikki on ihme." 
- Albert Einstein
Tein ylläolevan fantasiakuvan teemaan 'Taivas', ja kuvaan sillä taivaalla näkemääni ihmettä. Kuun tein digitekniikalla hopeiseksi ja ihmishahmoiseksi. Koko työn suunnittelin ja koostin photoshop työkaluilla, filttereillä ja tehosteilla.
Ihmeen ihanaa joulunalusaikaa kaikille tänne kurkistaneille 🌟

11 kommenttia:

  1. ...there are many miracles in life, we need to be smart enough to find them. Take care and stay warm and well.

  2. That's so great -- I wish I knew how to do digital art! Einstein's quotation about miracles is very profound.

  3. Loving this latest piece Sirkkis. That moon is magic. I feel like this piece is a view from a dream. And maybe a celebration of winter. Have a great weekend, and thanks for linking up to Wendy's AJJ challenge. hugs-Erika

  4. I love the Einstein quote. I call them "everyday miracles" - like making yogurt, fermenting vegetables, baking etc.

  5. I too love the quote, sometimes we forget to see the miracles. Your art is such a reminder. Thank you for sharing with FFO and have a beautiful weekend.

  6. A beautiful page and quote for my theme on Art Journal Journey, thank you.

  7. Look like you had fun doing your page.

  8. Your journal is beautiful and I love the saying.
    Have a nice 2nd Advent! hugs Elke

  9. On kaunista on ja ihmettä kerrakseen 😊kun vain osaamme oikein katsoa ja uskoa, voimme nähdä elämän ihmeellisiä juttuja 💖

  10. Thanks for reminding us about miracles. Luv the quote



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