lauantai 9. joulukuuta 2023

Traditional Christmas

*Peace on Earth*
For the Try It on Tuesday theme 'Traditional Christmas'.
My design was made with the digital technique.
Merry Christmas to the design team of TioT 💖
Digityöni teemaan 'Traditionaalinen Joulu' 
Hyvää joulunaikaa myös kaikille teille 💖

5 kommenttia:

  1. Very beautiful and appreciated! Aloha

  2. This is lovely Sirkkis. And you can't get more tradition either. Thanks for sharing this over at TIOT. And happy new week. Today we're getting a lot of rain and some warmth, but winter comes back Monday night. hugs-Erika

  3. A fantastic and peaceful traditional scene Sirrkis. Thank you for joining and sharing with us at Try it on Tuesdays.


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