perjantai 22. joulukuuta 2023

Somewhere, something

*.... incredible is waiting to be known.*  - Sharon Begley
I created this digital art journal page for the Wendy's 'Sky' theme at Art Journal Journey Challenge this month.
I painted the face with digital painting brushes, and set her on a photo of the Space, which I chose for the work - I went so more far away...
I'm linking my page also on the Nicole's Friday Face Off at DV Artist Blog this week.

The black/while image, which I altered with colors now.
Thank you for visiting💖 Have a happy holiday season 🤩
*Jossain, jotakin uskomatonta odottaa tuntemista.* - Sharon Begley
Muunsin musta/valkoisen kasvokuvan digisiveltimillä ja asemoin sen avaruus-kuvalle, jonka valitsin työhöni. Se menee teemaan 'Taivas' - menin siis vielä pidemmälle...
Kiitos käynnistä ja hyvää juhla-aikaa kaikille 🤩

12 kommenttia:

  1. ...I wish you an incredible Christmas. ☃️ 🎄 ❄️ 🎅🏼

  2. This is another amazing idea for Wendy's challenge Sirkkis. I love the striped effect on the face too. Very nice!!!! Thank you for linking up at AJJ, and have a wonderful and very happy Christmas too. I wish I knew how to say Merry Christmas in Finnish, but I know it's God Jul (no dots or accents on my computer) so that's the best I can do. :) hugs-Erika

  3. Ohhh this is so dramatic and beautiful. In fact stunning. Thank you for sharing with FFO and have a lovely weekend.

  4. Love it! Her face looks very mysterious and spiritual set against that background and quotation.

  5. That is a wonderful posting!
    I wish you a Merry Christmas, hug Elke

  6. Fabulous, love it. Thank you for doing so much for my theme, much appreciated. Have a wonderful holiday, Wendy.

  7. Kaunis kaunis.

    Ihanaa Joulunaikaa Sinulle ja Läheisillesi.

  8. Hello beautiful lady, I 'm stopping in to wish you a very happy Christmas.


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