tiistai 19. joulukuuta 2023

Sleeping in the clouds

'Sleep in the clouds. Dream in the in the sky.'
My hybrid art journal page for the Wendy's 'Sky' theme at Art Journal Journey Challenge this month.
The sleeping girl was cropped from my water color painting, which you see below.
Thank you for looking.

Yllä oleva muotokuva on vesivärimaalaukseni ja käytin sitä 
hybridi- tekniikalla tekemässäni journal sivussa yhtenä elementtinä.
 'Nuku pilvissä. Uneksi taivaalla.' 
Linkitän työni teemaan 'Taivas'.
Kiitos käynnistäsi.

6 kommenttia:

  1. She is beautiful. I wish I could sleep on a cloud. Because of my foot I am still on the couch. Didn't realize how uncomfortable it is. LOL Have a great day today.

  2. Your paintings are so good!!! I love this girl-it's a beautiful painting Sirkkis!

  3. We are on the same wavelength because I also have a dreaming page yet to share for Wendy's challenge. I like that face, and how you flipped it to have her sleeping. I agree with Nicole. Sleeping on a soft puffy cloud would be magical. Have a lovely Wednesday. hugs-Erika

  4. Beautiful painting to put on your sky. Thank you once again for another wonderful entry for my theme on AJJ

  5. Your watercolour painting is beautiful and I love how you have used it in this hybrid piece. What a gorgeous piece it is too. I love the sky and everything.
    Hugs, Neet xx


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