tiistai 21. toukokuuta 2024

Early Summer 2

"Skies serene and loving woo us, To the woods and fields to-day,
Who would linger long when Nature calls him to her feast away? 
Earth the veritable Eden in the glowing sunlight gleams,
Life a garden and noble epic,
Viewed from such a standpoint seems."  -Ellwood Roberts
I used my hand with colored pencils painted 'Summer maiden' on the skene photo to express some magic of colors of the early summer season.

I made my hybrid art journal page for the challenge theme 'Poetry' hosted by Valerie and Erika at Art Journal Journey this month.
Happy early Summer to everyone 🏡
Tämä on toinen säe Ellwood Roberts'in kirjoittamasta runosta 'Kesän alku'.
Tein työn hybridinä, eli käytin maisemavalokuvan kera värikynillä maalaamaani 'Kesäneitoa' antamaan valokuvaan lisää maagista alkukesän värikylläisyyttä.
Valokuvassa se näyttää kuin polun jatkeelta - ainakin omissa silmissäni 
Hyvää alkanutta kesää kaikille meille. 
Nyt se todella alkoi.

6 kommenttia:

  1. I love your summer face and that view Sirkkis. Isn't it great to see everything so green, hear the birds chirping, and everything else that goes with late spring and early summer. And nice poem too. It works well with your page. Thanks for joining us at AJJ,; it is always appreciated. Have a wonderful rest of your day. hugs-Erika

    1. Thank you Erika. I've noticed that "the summer timetable" there in New Hampshire and here in Finland goes in the same step 😀

  2. Wow, Sirkkis, this is soooo beautiful, I love it! You have made me very happy with this dream image. Have a good week, Valerie

    1. Thank you Valerie; you make me happy with your comment 🤗

  3. Another beautiful performance by Sirkkis.
    It really invites us to enjoy spring and poetry!
    Have a nice day Sirkkis❤️

  4. She is just beautiful. I love all the colors.


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